The Reds… Won A Game?

A short post about last night’s victory.

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The Reds are on fire tonight, unfortunately it’s a dumpster fire…

The above is a paraphrase of some radio commentary I heard last week as I was rushing about trying to get my kids off to bed.  I don’t remember which day or game of the week it was.

It may have been the one where the Reds lost by 5 to the Cards.

Or it may have been the one where the Reds lost by 2 to the Cards.

It could have been the one where the Reds lost by 9 to the Cards.

Or it could have been the three games prior to that; each of which were lost to the Phillies.

You know what? It doesn’t matter.

The point is when you’ve lost 13 out of 16 games a lot of nights can be described as dumpster fires.

But not last night.

Last night was something altogether different.

The stars aligned.  The machine worked.  The cylinders fired.

And against all odds.. the Reds bested the Brewers by a score of 10 to 4.

It was a good night, the kind of night that you think about the Reds are smile. Hope showed his tiny head again. After last night I am hopeful ….hopeful that we are about to make like Frank the Tank and go on a streak.

Edit: We didn’t.

Mike Brown is the definition of “Bungles”

Reds Still in Last Despite Streak-Ending Victory